We have compiled the most asked questions about EasyFishoil products.

What are Omega-3 fatty acids? Why do we need them?
What are omega 3 fatty acids, and what foods contain them?
What fish does fish oil come from?
What Omega-3 fatty acids are in EasyFishoil products?
What is the recommended daily intake for fish oil? What are the global recommendations?
How do EPA and DHA concentrations differ in fish oils?
Does fish oil make you gain weight?
Is the natural habitat of the fish harmed while obtaining fish oil?
What is GOED (Global Organization for EPA & DHA Omega-3s)? What are the membership criteria?
Where are the IFOS certified Omega 3 product reports?
What is the ConCordix technology? What are its features?
What is the Alu-Alu blister packaging and its features?
What is the shelf life of the EasyFishoil supplements manufactured with the ConCordix technology?
Do the EasyFishoil supplements manufactured with ConCordix technology contain sugar?
Do the EasyFishoil supplements manufactured with the ConCordix technology contain preservatives?
Do the EasyFishoil supplements manufactured with the ConCordix technology contain lard and pork additives?
How do you remove a ConCordix chewable gel form from the blister?
What form of fish oil is found in EasyFishoil Children's Fish Oil?
Do all types of fish have the same amount of Omega-3s?
At what stages of life do we need fatty acids Omega 3?
Are fish oils and other omega-3 products suitable for summer use?
Why is Norway one of the most advanced countries in the production of fish oil (Omega-3)?
Are there any side effects of fish oil?
Where is EasyFishoil kid’s fish oils produced?
What types of EasyFishoil kid’s fish oils are currently available for sale in Azerbaijan?
What time of day should I take EasyFishoil kid’s fish oils, on an empty stomach, or after a meal?
Should I regularly take fish oil every day?
Can EasyFishoil kid’s fish oils be used with other dietary supplements?
Can fish oil be taken during pregnancy and lactation?

Product of Norway